The provisions of the Civil Associations Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. 14/2000 and the statute of this Assembly must be observed, and joining the association should be considered a voluntary act intended to serve the citizens in the Sultanate and work to take care of them and make the utmost effort to advance the work of the association. The member must:
1: Contributes to all activities of the Assembly within his means and capabilities.
2: Be the best example of the association in integrity, good conduct and behavior.
3: He works to encourage the various activities undertaken by the association.
4: Not to abuse or attempt to offend the association in any way.
5: Abide by and commits to the decisions issued by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
6: Pay the annual contributions determined by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly..
7: He works to attract new members of the association by raising awareness and disseminating the ideas and goals of the association among specialists and those interested in its fields.
8: A member receiving or dismissed from the association is not entitled to claim the contributions or donations paid to the association.